Change log
10 July 2024 - Mike Steglich & Thomas Schleiff
CMPL v.2.1
CMPL now executes HiGHS as the new default solver. The CMPL package contains HiGHS as well as SCIP.
CBC is no longer included in the distribution and must be installed separately.
Several bugs are fixed.
Coliop4 (4.3.1)
Several bugs are fixed.
6 April 2022 - Mike Steglich & Thomas Schleiff
CMPL v.2.0.1
Several bugs in Cmpl are fixed.
3 Sep 2021 - Mike Steglich & Thomas Schleiff
CMPL v.2.0
CMPL has been (almost) completely redeveloped and comes with a lot of new functionalities.
Examples are improved syntax, logical constraints, native support for SOS, the opportunity
for users to write their own functions in CMPL and much more. Furthermore,
CMPL has been extended with a new interactive interface to Excel. A user can read sets and
parameters into the cmpl model and write results directly into an open excel file.
This feature is availbale on Windows and macOS.
In addition, pyCmpl, jCmpl and CmplServer have been revised and extended. For example,
pyCmpl is now fully ported to Python 3. Python2 is no longer supported.
6 March 2019 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.12.0a
Some minor changes in the script files
PyPy has been exchanged by Python2.7
16 March 2018 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.12.0 has been released
Cmpl (1.12.0)
Introducing the asynchronous CMPLServer mode:
-cmplUrl : Url of a CmplServer - Without other arguments, the problem are solved on the CmplServer (synchronous mode)
-send : Sends a problem to a CmplServer which have to be specified with -cmplUrl (asynchronous mode)
-knock : Obtains the status of a problem at the CmplServer (asynchronous mode)
-retrieve : Retrieves the results of the problem from the CmplServer (asynchronous mode)
-cancel : Cancels the problem at the CmplServer (asynchronous mode)
Some minor bugs are fixed.
Coliop4 (4.3.0)
New menue entry -> Open new Coliop window
Some minor changes for the asynchronous CMPLServer mode
Some minor bugs are fixed.
CMPLServer and CmplGrid (1.3.3)
Some minor bugs in the error handling are fixed.
pyCmpl (1.5.0)
New internal functionality for the asynchronous CMPLServer mode.
Cmpl.dump() - writes a dump file into the temporary folder
Cmpl.load() - loads a dump file from the temporary folder
Some minor bugs are fixed.
SolverStudio CMPL Processor (1.2.0)
New internal functionality for the asynchronous CMPLServer mode.
Some minor bugs are fixed.
08 November 2016 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.11.1 has been released
Coliop4 (4.0.1)
Some changes were necessary for mac OS Sierra compatibility.
Cmpl (1.11.1)
Some minor bugs are fixed.
08 June 2016 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.11.0 has been released
Coliop4 (4.0.0)
Coliop4 is the new GUI for CMPL available on Window, Linux and Mac.
It is more comfortable and flexible and comes with syntax highlighting.
Since Coliop4 is written in C++ and QT5 Java is not longer necessary as
runtime environment.
CMPLServer and CmplGrid (1.3.2)
There was a problem in the handling of infeasible problems that is now fixed.
Some minor changes due to the integration with SolverStudio
A couple of bottlenecks were identified and cleaned.
pyCmpl (1.4.6)
Some minor changes due to the integration with SolverStudio
new method Cmpl.setModel to specify the Cmpl model as a string w/o a model file
new method Cmpl.setOutputToString to write CMPL's and solver's output into a
string that can be obtained with Cmpl.output()
A couple of bottlenecks were identified and cleaned.
jCmpl (1.2.1)
To run run CMPL with jCMPL the environment variable CMPLBINRAY has to be
specified to CmplHome/cmpl (Linux and Mac) or
CmplHome/cmpl.bat (Windows).
Cmpl (1.11)
readCsv() - A bug in reading vectors from a csv file is fixed.
Several minor problems with n-tuples are fixed.
Coliop3 (3.1.22)
A bug in printing the solution is fixed.
A minor bug in saving new files is fixed.
An installation is not longer necessary. The entire CMPL package runs now
out of the box in every directory.
June 28 2014 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.10.0 has been released
CMPLServer and CmplGrid (1.3.0)
A CMPLServer can now be used in a single server mode or in a grid mode.
The grid mode extends the single server mode by coupling CMPLServers from several locations and at
least one coordinating CMPLGridScheduler to one "virtual CMPLServer" as a grid computing system.
For the client there does not appear any difference whether there is a connection to a single
CMPLServer or to a CMPLGrid. The client's model is to be connected with the same functionalities
as for a single CMPLServer to a CMPLGridScheduler which is responsible for the load balancing
within the CMPLGrid and the assignment of the model to one of the connected CMPLServers.
After this step the client is automatically connected to the chosen CMPLServer and the
model can be solved synchronously or asynchronously.
A CMPLGrid should be used for handling a huge amount of large scale optimisation problems.
An example can be a simulation in which each agent has to solve its own optimisation problem at
several times. An additional example for such a CMPLGrid application is an optimisation
web portal that provides a huge amount of optimisation problems.
Problem waiting queues for CMPLServer and CMPLGridScheduler
If a problem is connected to a CMPLServer or a CMPLGridScheduler and the number of running problems
including the model sent is greater than number of problems that can be solved
simultaneously (defined in cmplServer.opt) it does not make sense to cancel the problem.
Especially in case of an iterating solving process with a couple of depending problems
it is the better way to refer the supernumerary problems automatically to the problem waiting queue.
For the single server mode the problem queue handling is organised by the CMPLServer
whilst in the grid mode the CMPLGridScheduler(s) is(are) responsible for it. In both modes
a problem stored in the problem waiting queue has to wait until an empty solving
slot is available or the maximum queuing time is reached.
Changes in CMPLServer script:
Usage: cmplServer [] [-showLog]
-start - starts as single CMPLServer
-startInGrid - starts CMPLServer and connects to CMPLGrid
-startScheduler - starts as CMPLGridScheduler
-stop - stops CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler
-status - returns the status of the CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler
port - defines CMPLServer's or CMPLGridScheduler's port
-showLog - shows the CMPLServer or CMPLGridScheduler log file (only Mac and Linux)
New arguments and changes in cmplServer.opt:
maxProblems =
Defines how many problems can be carried out simultaneously.
If more problems than maxProblems are connected with the
CMPLServer the supernumerary problems are assigned to the problem waiting queue
maxServerTries =
Since CMPLGridSchedulers and CMPLServers have to call server functions mutually
it is necessary to ensure a high availability and failover by repeating failed CMPLServer
calls whereby the number of tries are specified by the parameter maxServerTries.
serviceIntervall =
Time in seconds between to iterations of the CMPLServer service thread
schedulerServiceIntervall =
Time in seconds between to iterations of the CMPLGridScheduler service thread
performanceIndex =
Assuming heterogeneous hardware for the CMPLServers in a CMPLGrid it is necessary
for a reasonable load balancing to identify several performance levels of the invoked
CMPLServers. This can be done by the parameter performanceIndex that influences the
load balancing function directly.
solvers = [ ...]
Specifies which solvers in the set of the installed solvers can be provided by the CMPLServer.
cmplGridScheduler =
Specifies the CMPLGridScheduler to which the CMPLServer is to be connected.
The first argument is the URL of the scheduler. The second parameter defines
the maximum number of problems that the CMPLServer provides to this CMPLGridScheduler.
If a CMPLServer should be connected to more than one scheduler one entry per
CMPLGridScheduler is required.
An error for the exception handling in CMPLServer.send and CMPLServer.runSolver was fixed.
pyCMPL (v.1.3.0) and jCMPL (v.1.2.0)
For both APIs the CMPLServer client is expanded for the new CMPLGrid mode and the problem waiting queue.
CMPL (1.10.0)
New command line arguments due to the new CMPLServer modes:
-maxServerTries : maximum number of tries of failed CmplServer calls
-maxQueuingTime : maximum time in seconds that a problem waits in a CmplServer queue
Cmpl script for Mac, Linux and Windows - some minor changes due to the new CMPLServer modes
CmplHeader - % sign don't have to stay at the first position of a line
A bug of CBC option handling is fixed.
Minor changes in CmplSolutions XML format for compatibility reasons in the sections
INF instead Infinity
NaN instead "-"
The XSD schemes are now available in the manual and under
Coliop (1.20)
The message pipe handling for stdout and stderr is changed for performance reasons.
March 1 2014 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.9.0 has been released
jCMPL (v.1.0)
jCMPL is the CMPL API for Java.
As pyCMPL - the main idea of this API is to define sets and parameters within the user application,
to start and control the solving process and to read the solution(s) into the application if the problem is feasible.
All variables, objective functions and constraints are defined in CMPL.
These functionalities can be used with a local CMPL installation or a CMPLServer.
CMPL (v.1.9.0)
- Direct access to a CMPLServer by the new command line argument -cmplUrl
Most of the command line arguments used for a local CMPL installation can be used
- OSServer is not longer supported - therefore the command line argument -solverUrl is now an unknown argument
- CBC handling is now faster and less memory consuming because Cmpl communicates now directly to CBC
- readcsv
A vector now can be read as a row with n elements or n rows with one element. In booth cases a
column vector is created.
- Time used for generating and solving a model is now shown on the command line
- A filename for the Cmpl header arguments %arg -solution, %arg -solutionAscii and %arg -solution
can now enclosed in double quotation marks.
- Changed command line syntax - the first argument is now the cmplFile.
Usage: cmpl [options]
- MPS file handling of constraints with type N (e.g. inactive objective functions)
These constraints or inactive objective function are committed as constraints with type "G" and an lower
bound equal to negative infinity. This behaviour avoids the deletion by solver preprocessing and as
result these constraints or inactive objective function can be shown in the solution reports.
- Some minor bugs are fixed.
pyCMPL (v.1.2.0)
- Most of the CMPL command line arguments can now used with to a CMPLServer
- Additional methods Cpml.getVarByName(self, name, solNr=0) and Cpml.getConByName(self, name, solNr=0) to obtain
variables and contraints directly by their name.
- embarrassing spelling mistake - CmplMsg.describtion is changed to CmplMsg.description
CMPLServer (v.1.2.0)
- Version and compatibility check for CMPLServer clients
- New options that can be defined in the new pyCmpl option file (CMPLhome/pyCmpl/pyCmpl.opt):
- maxProblems - Maximum number of problems that can be solved in parallel (default 8)
- maxInactivityTime - Inactivity time (in seconds) after that a problem is removed from the CMPLServer (default 60*60*12)
- port - Port of the CMPLServer (default 8008)
- new class CmplInfo to support the transfer of some CMPL statistics and the generated matrix
- Some minor bugs are fixed.
Coliop (1.19)
- Some minor changes to enable an access to a CMPLServer.
June 20 2013 - Mike Steglich
CMPL v.1.8.0 has been released
pyCMPL and CMPLServer
pyCMPL is the CMPL API for Python and an interactive shell.
The main idea of this API is to define sets and parameters within the user application,
to start and control the solving process and to read the solution(s) into the application if the problem is feasible.
All variables, objective functions and constraints are defined in CMPL.
These functionalities can be used with a local CMPL installation or a CMPLServer.
CMPLServer is an XML-RPC-based web service for distributed optimization.
It is reasonable to solve large models remotely on the CMPLServer that is installed on a high performance system.
pyCMPL provides a client API for CMPLServer. CMPL provides three XML-based file formats for the communication
between a CMPLServer and its clients. (CmplInstance, CmplSolutions, CmplMessages)
pyCMPL and CMPLServer are an open source projects licensed under LGPLv3 and available for most of the relevant operating systems (Windows, OS X and Linux)
New CMPL command line arguments
-interRelaxation : All integer variables are changed to continuous variables
-alias : uses an alias name for the cmpl model
-solution [] : optimization results in CmplSolutions XML format
Changed CMPL command line argument
-gn : turns matrix reductions on (default off)
New display options
-ignoreVars : Ignores all variables in the solution reports
-ignorevars : Ignores all constraints in the solution reports
MPrL XML format is changed into the CmplMessages XML format (CMPL does not longer support MPrL)
New solution XML format CmplSolutions
Bug fixing
A bug for readcsv() that only appeared under Windows is fixed
November 15 2012 - Mike Steglich, Thomas Schleiff
CMPL v.1.7.1 has been released
set pattern matching
set *> [tuppelPattern]
Returns an n-tuple set consisting of unique elements of the set set which match tuplePattern
in order of their first appearance. A tuplePattern have to be formulated in the form of a
tuple and has to have the same rank as the original set.
Gurobi and Cplex are able to generate and store multiple solutions to a mixed integer programming
(MIP) problem. With the display option solutionPool feasible integer solutions found during a MIP
optimization can be shown in the solution report. It is recommended to control the behaviour of
the solution pool by setting the particular Gurobi or Cplex solver options.
Bug fixing
Some minor bugs in the handling of tuples are fixed.
July 5 2012 - Mike Steglich, Thomas Schleiff
CMPL 1.7.0 has been released
cmplData file and new CMPL header entry %data
A cmplData file is a plain text file that contains the definition of parameters, sets with
their values in a specific syntax. The parameters and sets can be read into a CMPL model by
using the new CMPL header entry %data.
Indices and sets for n-tuples with n>1
An index is always an n-tuple, where n is the count of dimensions of an array. Since this version
is it possible to define and use sets for n-tuples with n>1.
New command line argument -syntax
Syntax checks can be carried out with or without data. If the parameters and sets are specified
within the parameter section it is only necessary to use the command line argument �-syntax or
the CMPL header option %arg �syntax.
If a user wants to execute a syntax check without data then a CMPL header entry %data has
to be defined including a complete specification of the sets and parameters that are necessary
for the model.
Bug fixing
A bug in the handling of set intersection was fixed.
Due to different Java installation on Win32 and Win64 the file coliop.bat has been changed.
March 19 2012 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.6.2 has been released
CPLEX support:
CPLEX can be executed directly by CMPL if the entry CplexFileName
in the file /bin/cmpl.opt is edited.
New command line argument -ignoreZeros
If chosen then only variables and constraints with non-zero values are shown
in the solution reports.
New CMPL header element %display:
Sets variable name(s) or constraint name(s) that are to be displayed in
one of the solution reports.
Changes in solution report handling
Due to the new arguments -ignoreZero and %display it was necessary to change
cfResult::standardReport(int outtype) and cfResult::writeCsv()
and to create the new private methods:
custReport(int outType) and custWriteCsv();
Solution Reports
The structure of the solution reports (stdio, ascii, csv) has been changed a little bit.
March 1 2012 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.6.1 has been released
SCIP support:
SCIP can be used for mixed integer programming (MIP) problems.
If SCIP is installed on the same computer as CMPL then SCIP
can be connected to CMPL by changing the entry ScipFileName
in the file /bin/cmpl.opt.
Command line argument handling:
Some minor changes
Now it is possible to enclose the file name with double quotes if
the path and/or the file name contains blanks.
Gurobi handling
changes in, gurobiPython and,
The entries in cmpl.opt are not longer necessary to execute Gurobi
January 26 2012 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.6.0 has been released
CMPL is fundamentally reorganized and partially new created.
New classes:
cmplUtil::CmplArgs handling of the CMPL command line arguments
handling of the CMPL header
cmpl::CmplCore CMPL's core (compiler and interpreter)
transforms the CMPL model in a model instance
cmplUtil::CmplInstance handling of the generated model instance
writes the instance files (OSiL, MPS, Free-MPS)
cmplUtil::CmplIO interaction with the solvers
writes the standard solution reports to
stdout, to an ASCII file or a CSV file
cmplUtil::CmplIOStream handling of the solver stdout and stderr
cmplUtil::CmplException handling of the CmplIO exceptions
cmplUtil::ArgError handling of the CmplArgs exceptions
Due to these reorganizations the CMPL performance is considerably increased.
New features:
CMPL header
A CMPL header is intended to define CMPL options and solver options for
the specific CMPL model. The elements of the CMPL header are not part
of the CMPL model. Since a CMPL header is processed before the CMPL model is
interpreted, the defined options have an impact on the CMPL model.
Most of the CBC, GLPK and Gurobi solver parameters now supported by the CMPL
header element %opt.
GLPK and Gurobi support
Beside the COIN-OR OSSolverService the GLPK is a part of the distribution.
If you have installed Gurobi then you can also use this solver directly.
count() - new array function
returns the count of elements or 0 if the parameter or the
variable does not exist
replaces the deprecated dim() and def()
New command line arguments
-maxDecimals - maximal number of decimals in the solution report (max 12)
-dontRemoveTmpFiles - Don't remove temporary files (mps,osil,osrl,gsol)
-matrix [] - Writes the generated matrix in a file or on stdout.
The CMPL distribution contains now Coliop which is an (simple) IDE for CMPL.
Coliop is an open source project licensed under GPL. It is written in Java. The sources are
available under
COIN-OS (customized - only CLP, CBC, Symphony) and GLPK are parts of the distribution now.
Test routines are extended by some solver tests.
May 23 2011 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.5.2 has been released
Install script are changed for linux and OS X.
The scripts downloads the OSSolverService binary from
and installs it in a different folder to CMPL.
April 2011 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.5.1 has been released
New command line argument:
-solutionAscii : optimization results in ASCII format
A file .sol will be created.
some bugs are fixed in cmplFrame::readOsil
March 20 2011 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.5.0 has been released
Direct connection to the COIN-OR OSSolverService including the COIN-OR solvers
via two new classes: cmplFrame and eCmpl
cmplFrame is the common class to handle the connection between CMPL and
OSSolverService. cmplFrame uses the Qt4 framework
eCmpl is a class to include the cmplFrame environment into the CMPL core.
All changes to the existing code are embedded in
A new build environmet using qmake and make was created.
March 08 2011 - Mike Steglich
CMPL 1.4.4 has been released
New default for integers variables w/o an upper bound is set to infinity.
New default for variables w/o an upper bound is set to -infinity.
February 16 2011 - Mike Steglich / T. Schleiff
CMPL 1.4.3 has been released
A bug was fixed.
Main::c_getmem(size_t len)
A bug was fixed.
CMPL_Scanner.l, IntFuncMathFunc::exec(val_str *vp)
New CMPL function srand( int x)
November 2010 - T. Schleiff
CMPL 1.4.2 has been released
The code base was changed from C to C++
May 2010 - Mike Steglich / T. Schleiff
CMPL 1.3.2 has been released
New output format OSiL
CMPL_Scanner.l, IntFuncMathFunc::exec(val_str *vp)
New mathematical functions