Supported Solvers
CMPL executes HiGHS (default), SCIP, CBC,
GLPK, Gurobi and
directly to solve the generated model instance. The CMPL package contains HiGHS as a standard solver as well as SCIP.
Because it is also possible to transform the mathematical problem into MPS or Free-MPS, alternative solvers can be used.
Open Source solvers
The CMPL package contains HiGHS.
Because HiGHS is the default solver it doesn't need not to be specified.
It is possible to use almost of the HiGHS solver options within the CMPL header.
Please see HiGHS solver options
for a list of useful solver parameters.
%opt highs solverOption[=solverOptionValue]
The CMPL package contains SCIP and it can be used by the following command:
cmpl <problem>.cmpl -solver scip
or by the CMPL header flag:
%arg -solver scip.
All SCIP parameters described in the
SCIP Documentation
can be used in the CMPL header.
%opt scip solverOption[=solverOptionValue]
If CBC is installed on the same computer as CMPL then it can be connected to CMPL
by changing the entry CBC in the file
It can be used by the following command:
cmpl <problem>.cmpl -solver cbc
or by the CMPL header flag:
%arg -solver cbc.
It is possible to use most of the CBC solver options within the CMPL header.
%opt cbc solverOption[=solverOptionValue]
If GLPK is installed on the same computer as CMPL then it can be connected to CMPL
by changing the entry GLPK in the file
cmpl <problem>.cmpl -solver glpk
or by the CMPL header flag:
%arg -solver glpk.
Most of the GLPK solver options can be used by defining solver options within the
CMPL header.
%opt glpk solverOption[=solverOptionValue]
Commercial solvers
- Gurobi
If Gurobi is installed on the same computer as CMPL then Gurobi can be executed
directly only by using the command
cmpl <problem>.cmpl -solver gurobi
or by the CMPL header flag:
%arg -solver gurobi.
All Gurobi parameters (excluding NodefileDir, LogFile and ResultFile) described in
the Gurobi manual can be
used in the CMPL header.
%opt gurobi solverOption[=solverOptionValue]
CPLEX can be connected to CMPL
by changing the entry CPLEX in the file
If this entry is correct then you can execute CPLEX directly by using the command
cmpl <problem>.cmpl -solver cplex
or by the CMPL header flag:
%arg -solver cplex.
All CPLEX parameters described in the CPLEX manual (Parameters of CPLEX -> Parameters Reference Manual)
can be used in the CMPL header.
%opt cplex solverOption[=solverOptionValue]